Friday, July 22, 2011


Can you hear me? Is this thing on?
Been thinking of what to do with this ole' blog of mine recently...
One of the main reasons I haven't been blogging has been my house. Yes, my house.(Ok It hasn't TOTALLY been my house, I admit I got a little bored with blogging, sooo I took a break :) You see, we have been working on our remodeling project and in the last several months its kinda fallen down around my ears(so to speak) So to keep me motivated in the blogging department I am thinking of doing a more structured week on here, with post through-out out the week titled, Think about it Sunday, Adventures, Corners of my home, Wordless Wednesday and FUD(food) Friday... That's all I have come up with so far! Too much? Now I know these are not original ideas, I have seen allot of people do *wordless Wednesday*(just pictures) on their blogs and I think its a cute idea! I will be busy this weekend but I will dive in first thing Sunday!

Create a Beautiful day!

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