Well, that might be a stretch to say It's the "end of an era", but it IS the last day of January 2010. Next thing you know it will be Christmas!!
We had a lovely day today. We went to church. I played the Piano, and thoroughly "butchered" the first two Hymns of the service(but who's counting?) Our Son got a bloody nose In the middle of the service and since I was playing Hubby had to deal with It(Sorry Huni!)
Afterwards we had a pot-luck with lots of yummy food!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Sabbath day! God bless...
"When a mans ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him". ~ Proverbs 16:7
Sigh. How nice. I left church early and made a lovely lunch for us all. No basket dinner for us today.
Thank goodness January is over. February, do not disappoint me!!
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