As the smell of corned beef wafts in from the stove I thought I would take a minute to sit and write...
The unusually warm weather around these parts are wonderful! My clothes are out on the line drying(yay!)
Finally got the strawberry patch that I have been promising the kids for awhile planted!
Got a plot of Asparagus planted!( I have been promising myself that I would get to that for FAR to long!)
We have several newborn baby calves wondering the property and a very unhappy dog who seemed to have taken it upon himself to *haze* said baby calves by chasing them... resulting in him NOW being tied up(stupid dog). We remind him on a daily basis that he brought this on himself (like it does any good!)as he looks longingly after us as we go about our chores outside. Ask me if he chased the coyote that was down in the pasture last week? (That would be a big NO) He stayed plastered by the shelter of the house and barked at it... Such a brave dog!! :(
Picked up a new bird feeder and put that out this week. The birds just this morning finally found it, and we enjoyed the little show that they put on this morning as we ate breakfast.
Well! That's it for now! Hope you have a fabulous St Pattys day and great weekend!